Sunday, April 29, 2012


Hank looks so  big now.  No longer my baby!

Hank was telling Luke he was not allowed to eat Hershey Kisses yet because he is "just a baby.  All right!"  They both look so serious!

So hard to get a good photo of the both of them.  I was lucky to get this:)

It has taken me forever to post these photos!  Anyhow we had a great Easter.  That Friday was our ten year wedding anniversary!  We celebrated by having pizza and an ice cream cake.  We are always so tired by the time Friday rolls around, that it is hard to be motivated to go out, but it was nice to be with our two little men.
Saturday we dyed our Easter Eggs and went to an Easter Egg Hunt.
Sunday we went to church (Luke's first time) and then spent the rest of the day celebrating with our families.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Luke at Four Months.

Luke turned four months on April 3.

He had his four month Doctor appointment last Monday and he weighed 18 lbs 12 oz.
He was 26 1/2 inches.  He is in the 95th percentile for both height and weight.
He now wears a size 3 diaper.
He chews on his hand a lot and likes to follow people in the room by turning his head.   He has been sitting in his bumpo seat and started to pull his legs and feet up in the air.
He wears size 6 or 9 month clothing.
In the past week he has been enjoying time in his jumperoo and excersaucer.  He loves to laugh and yell out.  He also rolled over for the first time this past Friday.